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17-Year-Old JEE Aspirant Dies by Suicide in Kota: 11th Death This Year

A 17-year-old student preparing for the IIT-JEE competitive exam died by suicide in Kota, Rajasthan, marking the 11th such tragic incident in the city this year.

By: Rekha Joshi  Pardaphash Group
17-Year-Old JEE Aspirant Dies by Suicide in Kota: 11th Death This Year

A 17-year-old student preparing for the IIT-JEE competitive exam died by suicide in Kota, Rajasthan, marking the 11th such tragic incident in the city this year. Ayush Jaiswal, from Motihari, Bihar, had been staying at a paying guest house in Mahaveer Nagar for the past two years to prepare for the exam.

17-Year-Old JEE Aspirant Dies by Suicide in Kota

Ayush’s friends alerted the paying guest house owner when he failed to come out of his room on Saturday night. The owner then informed the police. Upon arrival, the police broke the door lock and found Ayush hanging. He was immediately taken to New Medical College Hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead. No suicide note was found at the scene.

Mahaveer Nagar SHO Mahendra Maru stated, “A boy preparing for a competitive exam died by suicide on Saturday night. He was found hanging in his room. The post-mortem will be conducted after his family members arrive here.”

This incident is the 11th student suicide related to competitive exam preparation in Kota this year, highlighting the immense pressure faced by students in this education hub.

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