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25 Muslim Castes Included in OBC List in Gujarat, Tejashwi Yadav Demands Response from PM Modi

Former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav has challenged Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding Muslim reservation by showing the list of 25 Muslim castes included in the Other Backward Class (OBC) list of Gujarat. Narendra Modi has been questioned.

By: Rekha Joshi  Pardaphash Group
25 Muslim Castes Included in OBC List in Gujarat, Tejashwi Yadav Demands Response from PM Modi

Former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav has challenged Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding Muslim reservation by showing the list of 25 Muslim castes included in the Other Backward Class (OBC) list of Gujarat. Narendra Modi has been questioned.

25 Muslim Castes Included in OBC List in Gujarat

Former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav has challenged Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding Muslim reservation by showing the list of 25 Muslim castes included in the Other Backward Class (OBC) list of Gujarat. Narendra Modi has been questioned. On Monday morning, Tejashwi published the list of 25 Muslim castes included in the OBC list of Gujarat on the social networking site. Tejashwi has raised questions on PM Modi as well as the media and accused them of spreading confusion.

Tejashwi has printed the photo of the list and written that this is the central list of Muslim OBC castes who get reservation in backward classes in Gujarat. Yes! In the same Gujarat where Narendra Modi has been the CM for 13 years. This information is not only for the Prime Minister but also for the ignorant people of Godi media who these days read news, do interviews and spread confusion, hatred and rumors only on the basis of WhatsApp knowledge. These people do not know that the basis of reservation in our Constitution is not religion but social backwardness.

As the campaign for the Lok Sabha elections began, the BJP brought forward former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s old statement regarding the rights of Muslims over the country’s resources and alleged that the Congress is not including OBCs and SCs in the reservation. It is preparing to kill the rights of ST and give it to Muslims. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given statements on this issue several times in election rallies and said that as long as he is alive, he will cut the reservation for OBC, SC and ST on the basis of religion. But it will not be allowed to be given to Muslims.

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