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Delhi: 16-year-old teen stabs boy 60 times, dances in brutal murder on Camera

New Delhi: A boy stabbed a 17-year-old boy at least 60 times, tried to slit his neck, kicked him on the head and dumped his blood-soaked body in a narrow lane in Delhi's northeast area. The accused was 16-year-old. According to the police, the motive behind the murder was robbery. According to the information, the shocking thing is that he also danced during this violent attack.

By: Priyanka Verma  Pardaphash Group
Delhi: 16-year-old teen stabs boy 60 times, dances in brutal murder on Camera

New Delhi: A boy stabbed a 17-year-old boy at least 60 times, tried to slit his neck, kicked him on the head and dumped his blood-soaked body in a narrow lane in Delhi’s northeast area. The accused was 16-year-old. According to the police, the motive behind the murder was robbery.

According to the information, the shocking thing is that he also danced during this violent attack. The full incident was captured in the CCTV camera. CCTV footage showed the teen attacker stabbing the victim and at one point standing over the corpse and dancing. Reports said he stabbed the victim over 60 times.

The two didn’t appear to know each other, the police said. The police arrested the suspect, a 16-year-old boy, on Wednesday and charged him with murder. According to the police, the boy, who dropped out of school, was drunk when he committed the murder on Tuesday night.He lives with his parents, who work as daily-wage labourers. The accused of the killing allegedly robbed the young man, who resisted and was then attacked.

The victim was identified as a resident of nearby Jafrabad, where he lived with his mother, who worked as a domestic help. CCTV cameras have captured the accused minor dragging a body out onto a narrow alleyway. He is seen stabbing the victim in the neck repeatedly to make sure he was dead. He goes on to kick the head a few times. Then he stands over the lifeless body and begins to dance, the macabre act caught on camera.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey said, “On Tuesday, a PCR call was received at around 11.15 pm that a youth, aged around 18 years, was stabbed to death by a minor in a bid to rob him in Janta Mazdoor colony in Welcome area.” He added, “The victim was rushed to a hospital but he was declared dead.”

The police tracked down the accused and arrested him. He said that the incident started to unfold when the suspect approached the victim in Janta Mazdoor Colony in Welcome, asking for Rs. 350 to buy biryani. When the victim refused, the 16-year-old attempted to rob him, resulting in a fight. The suspect then strangled the victim, leaving him unconscious.

According to the information, The video of the murder, which took place around 10.20pm. Joy Tirkey said that the police are scanning CCTV footage and a forensic team has also visited the spot. The victim was taken to GTB Hospital by local residents, where he was declared dead on arrival.

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