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Delhi-bound AI plane returned to Kathmandu shortly after take-off due to suspected noise

AI 216 flight from Kathmandu to Delhi had problems after a faulty door was detected even before take-off. After completing the required airworthiness protocols, the aircraft was cleared for takeoff. As the plane climbed into the sky, the pilots heard a noise that led them to suspect a rear-end collision. In compliance with security protocols, they decided to return to Kathmandu airport.

By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
Delhi-bound AI plane returned to Kathmandu shortly after take-off due to suspected noise

New Delhi: On the evening of 25 November, a Delhi-bound Air India flight had to return to Kathmandu airport soon after take off. The pilots reported a suspicious noise, leading them to suspect a possible tail attack. The incident followed a previous problem with a faulty door on the plane, which was identified after passengers had boarded. Despite these unexpected incidents, the airline assures that passenger safety will not be compromised at any level.

AI 216 flight from Kathmandu to Delhi had problems after a faulty door was detected even before take-off. After completing the required airworthiness protocols, the aircraft was cleared for takeoff. As the plane climbed into the sky, the pilots heard a noise that led them to suspect a rear-end collision. In compliance with security protocols, they decided to return to Kathmandu airport.

An Air India spokesperson on Sunday clarified that the malfunctioning door and suspected tail strike were not related. The initial assumption of a tail attack was later confirmed to be a false alarm. The spokesperson reiterated that safety measures were strictly adhered to at all times, and passenger safety was never at risk.

After thorough checks, the aircraft, an A321, was cleared. It successfully operated a flight to Delhi on Sunday morning. The airline said the steps taken were precautionary and there were no injuries or significant damage to the aircraft.

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