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Efficient Regulation of E-Rickshaws in Lucknow: Color Coding System to Begin on January 1

In an effort to efficiently regulate the increasing number of battery-operated rickshaws in Lucknow, India, the local police have devised a color coding system set to roll out on January 1.

By: Rekha Joshi  Pardaphash Group
Efficient Regulation of E-Rickshaws in Lucknow: Color Coding System to Begin on January 1

In an effort to efficiently regulate the increasing number of battery-operated rickshaws in Lucknow, India, the local police have devised a color coding system set to roll out on January 1.

Efficient Regulation of E-Rickshaws in Lucknow

Efficient Regulation of E-Rickshaws in Lucknow. This innovative approach aims to streamline the operation of e-rickshaws by categorizing them based on the zones they serve, while also addressing concerns such as unauthorized minors driving these vehicles.

E-rickshaw owners are required to complete a comprehensive verification process by filling out a newly designed form as part of this initiative. The form mandates details about up to three designated routes for their rickshaws. Any deviation from these assigned areas will result in actions against the owners. This meticulous documentation will contribute to the creation of a database accessible through a website or mobile app, a pioneering move in the state.

E-Rickshaws in Lucknow Color Coding System to Begin on January

E-Rickshaws in Lucknow Color Coding System to Begin on January 1. The color-coded system is based on Lucknow being divided into 16 zones, each marked by specific color combinations such as red and green or red and blue. This approach not only simplifies the regulatory process but also allows authorities to monitor and control the number of e-rickshaws operating in each zone. Vehicles found operating outside their designated areas will face seizure.

Moreover, the initiative addresses the issue of minors operating these vehicles, as the police aim to eliminate such instances through strict enforcement measures. Owners are required to provide additional details such as Aadhaar, PAN, and criminal history, ensuring a comprehensive database that aids in effective regulation.

With the implementation of this color-coded system, Lucknow anticipates a more organized and regulated e-rickshaw environment, curbing unauthorized operations and enhancing overall road safety.

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