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Madame Tussauds Honors Yoga Guru Ramdev with Wax Statue Unveiling in Delhi

Global Recognition for Baba Ramdev as His Wax Figure Graces Madame Tussauds Museum.

By: Team Pardaphash  Pardaphash Group
Madame Tussauds Honors Yoga Guru Ramdev with Wax Statue Unveiling in Delhi

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev achieved a significant milestone as Madame Tussauds Museum in New York unveiled his wax statue on Tuesday. The wax impression was showcased at an event in Delhi in the presence of Baba Ramdev himself.

Carved in Yoga Pose

Baba Ramdev’s wax figure is sculpted in the Vrikshasana pose, portraying him standing on one leg with the other bent, and the sole of the foot resting against the inner thigh of the standing leg. This iconic yoga pose captures the essence of Baba Ramdev’s contribution to popularizing yoga and ayurveda.

Honoring India’s Cultural Heritage

Expressing his gratitude, Baba Ramdev stated, “I feel honoured that my wax statue is being installed at Madame Tussauds in New York. It’s not just a piece of recognition for me but is also a recognition of yoga and ayurveda and India’s eternal culture. This also shows that not only are icons from Bollywood, Hollywood, and the world of politics celebrated and recognised but a seer can also claim similar recognition.”

During the unveiling ceremony, Baba Ramdev ceremoniously applied a ‘tika’ on the forehead of his wax impression, adding a traditional touch to the occasion.

Joining Indian Icons in Madame Tussauds

With this honor, Baba Ramdev joins the league of other prominent Indian personalities whose wax statues grace Madame Tussauds Museum in New York. His wax figure is set to find its place in the museum located in Times Square, Manhattan, symbolizing global acknowledgment of his contributions to yoga, ayurveda, and India’s cultural heritage.

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