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Our condolences are with victim’s families.…Congress President said on Kanchenjunga Express train accident

The Congress President wrote on Twitter that he is deeply distressed by the Kanchenjunga Express train collision accident in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, where many people lost their lives and many were injured. The scenes of the accident are painful. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims. In this hour of grief, we express our solidarity and condolences to each of them. We wish speedy recovery of the injured.

By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
Our condolences are with victim’s families.…Congress President said on Kanchenjunga Express train accident

Train accident: Kanchenjunga Express parked near Jalpaiguri, West Bengal was hit by a goods train from behind. Three bogies were badly damaged in this accident. It is being told that 15 people have lost their lives in this tragic accident, while 60 people are injured. At the same time, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge has reacted to this train accident. He said that our condolences are with the families of the victims. In this hour of grief, we express our solidarity and condolences to each of them.

The Congress President wrote on Twitter that he is deeply distressed by the Kanchenjunga Express train collision accident in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, where many people lost their lives and many were injured. The scenes of the accident are painful. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims. In this hour of grief, we express our solidarity and condolences to each of them. We wish speedy recovery of the injured.

Along with this it was written that immediate and full compensation should be provided to the victims. In the last 10 years, the Modi government has grossly mismanaged the Railway Ministry. As a responsible opposition, it is our utmost duty to highlight how the Modi government has systematically turned the Railway Ministry into a platform for ‘camera-driven’ self-promotion! Today’s tragedy is another reminder of this harsh reality. Make no mistake, we will stick to our guns and hold the Modi government accountable for its criminal abandonment of the Indian Railways.

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