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Pak woman rescued by cop after being mobbed for wearing attire with Arabic prints | Watch

ASP Syeda Shehrbano Naqvi, a police officer, took the lead in rescuing the surrounded woman. His actions, driven by both determination and risk, won him widespread praise. The Punjab Police later recommended him for the prestigious Quaid-e-Azam Police Medal, a testament to his bravery and quick thinking in the face of potential violence.

By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
Pak woman rescued by cop after being mobbed for wearing attire with Arabic prints | Watch

Lahore/Pakistan: In Lahore, Pakistan, a woman rescued by police after being surrounded by a mob due to her attire adorned with Arabic calligraphy, which some individuals mistakenly interpreted as Quranic verses. A viral video captured her distress as she sat in a local restaurant, her hands shielding her face from the jeering crowd. Due to her colourful dress featuring printed letters, misconceptions led to accusations of disrespect towards the Quran, subjecting her to public scrutiny and ridicule.

ASP Syeda Shehrbano Naqvi, a police officer, took the lead in rescuing the surrounded woman. His actions, driven by both determination and risk, won him widespread praise. The Punjab Police later recommended him for the prestigious Quaid-e-Azam Police Medal, a testament to his bravery and quick thinking in the face of potential violence.

The woman, accused of blasphemy, was mobbed when she visited a restaurant in Lahore with her husband wearing the kurta with Arabic prints, which some people thought were the Quran verses.

This incident, which quickly went viral on social media, has drawn mixed reactions from the Pakistani public. While many have condemned the violence and lauded Naqvi’s heroism, others have taken it as a cautionary tale, warning fashion labels and individuals about the potential for missteps in a country where religious The feelings run deep.

The debate has moved beyond the immediate incident, leading to conversations about the balance between religious respect and individual freedom, the dangers of mob mentality, and the importance of critical thinking before acting on assumptions.

In the video, Syeda Shehrbano Naqvi is seen urging the crowd not to resort to any violence. “The woman had gone for shopping with her husband. She had worn a kurta that had some words written on it. When some people saw it they asked her to remove the kurta. There was a confusion,” Ms Naqvi said.

The woman adorning Arabic prints attire who was later taken to the police station where she apologised for hurting religious sentiments. “I had no intentions of insulting anyone’s religious sentiments. I bought the kurta just because it had good design,” the woman said.

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