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Rapido Auto Driver Accused of Sexual Assault; Company Responds with FIR and Termination

A disturbing incident involving a Rapido auto driver in Bengaluru has come to light, where a female passenger was allegedly sexually assaulted and forcibly thrown out of the moving vehicle.

By: Rekha Joshi  Pardaphash Group
Rapido Auto Driver Accused of Sexual Assault; Company Responds with FIR and Termination

A disturbing incident involving a Rapido auto driver in Bengaluru has come to light, where a female passenger was allegedly sexually assaulted and forcibly thrown out of the moving vehicle. The incident was shared by a social media user, Ankur Bagchi (@JustAnkurBagchi), who accused Rapido of enabling sexual predators.

According to Mr Bagchi, despite his friend filing a complaint with Rapido, the initial response from the company was an apology without providing details about the auto-rickshaw driver. He urged people to avoid using Rapido and emphasized the need for safety.

The post gained attention on social media, prompting a response from Bengaluru City Police, requesting more details about the incident. Subsequently, an FIR was filed against the driver, and Rapido assured their cooperation in legal proceedings.

In response to Mr Bagchi’s tweet, Rapido Cares stated, “@JustAnkurBagchi As discussed with the customer, Rapido is getting the captain to the HAL police station at 4:30 pm to proceed legally on this.” The company further informed that the captain (driver) has been permanently terminated and barred from their platform, expressing apologies for the unethical behavior.

This incident highlights the importance of addressing safety concerns in ride-hailing services and the need for swift and effective action against any misconduct by drivers.

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