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Tunnel Rescue Miracle: Arnold Dix Expresses Gratitude, Plans Temple Visit

Mr. Dix, the president of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association in Geneva, as well as a professor and barrister, has been actively involved in Uttarkashi throughout the entire rescue operation. He commended the teamwork and engineering excellence of the Indian team, stating, "India has the best engineers. It was a joy to be part of this successful mission."

By: Rekha Joshi  Pardaphash Group
Tunnel Rescue Miracle: Arnold Dix Expresses Gratitude, Plans Temple Visit

Following the successful rescue of 41 workers from a Uttarakhand tunnel after a challenging 17-day operation, tunnelling expert Arnold Dix, a prominent figure at the rescue site, described the achievement as a “miracle.” Speaking the morning after the rescue, Dix expressed his gratitude and shared his intention to visit the makeshift temple outside the tunnel to say thank you.

Mr. Dix, the president of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association in Geneva, as well as a professor and barrister, has been actively involved in Uttarkashi throughout the entire rescue operation. He commended the teamwork and engineering excellence of the Indian team, stating, “India has the best engineers. It was a joy to be part of this successful mission.”

Reflecting on his earlier statement that all 41 individuals would be home and unharmed by Christmas, Mr. Dix celebrated the early realization of this prediction. He emphasized the calmness and determination of the team, despite facing numerous challenges in the tricky Himalayan terrain.

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to serve and help reunite families, Mr. Dix, an Australian citizen, received special commendation from Australia’s High Commissioner to India, Philip Green, who praised his important technical support on the ground. The tunnel rescue operation was acknowledged as an immense achievement.

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