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Turkey Earthquake: India’s NDRF rescues 8-year-old girl trapped in debris after earthquake devastation in Turkey

An NDRF spokesman said that the operation was carried out in Nurdagi town of Gaziantep province with Turkish army personnel. NDRF jawans had rescued a 6-year-old girl from this area on Thursday. The Home Ministry had informed about this.

By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
Turkey Earthquake: India’s NDRF rescues 8-year-old girl trapped in debris after earthquake devastation in Turkey

New Delhi: Since the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria on Monday (Turkey-Syria Earthquake), the situation is getting worse every day. According to the latest figures, 22765 people have died so far. The number of injured is being told around 75 thousand. India is providing help in both the countries under ‘Operation Dost’. Teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) from India are also engaged in rescue operations in Turkey and Syria. Meanwhile, the NDRF team has safely rescued an 8-year-old girl trapped in the debris in the earthquake-affected area in Turkey.

An official spokesperson informed sources on Friday. An NDRF spokesman said that the operation was carried out in Nurdagi town of Gaziantep province with Turkish army personnel. NDRF jawans had rescued a 6-year-old girl from this area on Thursday. The Home Ministry had informed about this.

“Rescuers have so far rescued two lives and retrieved 13 bodies from the debris. NDRF rescue operations are continuing in the affected areas of Turkey since February 7,” the spokesperson said. India launched “Operation Dost” to provide aid to Turkey and Syria after Monday’s devastating earthquake. Three teams of NDRF with 152 personnel have been sent from India to Turkey.

There was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Gaziantep, Turkey in the early hours of Monday. Minutes later, another 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck central Turkey. After this, aftershocks were felt several times. Meanwhile, a new assessment has come out that this devastating earthquake has shifted Turkey by about 10 feet (5-6 meters). Thousands of buildings have been damaged in this disaster. According to the World Health Organisation, more than 23 million people have been affected by the earthquake.

These provinces of Turkey and Syria are ruined
Turkey’s Antakya, Sanliurfa and Syria’s Aleppo city have been completely ruined due to the earthquake. Water and electricity supply is also closed here. People are forced to live in shelter homes. Food items are also not available here. The people of Gaziantep city with the epicenter say that help had not reached them even 12 hours after the devastation.

95 countries came to help
In this natural disaster, 95 countries around the world have come forward to help Turkey and Syria. India is sending help to both the countries under ‘Operation Dost’. India has also started the work of a field hospital in Turkey. At the same time, many teams of NDRF have been sent for rescue operation in both the countries.

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