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UP cabinet will meet in Ayodhya today to oversee the Ram Temple construction

chief priest of the Ram Temple emphasized the significance of the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, highlighting that Ayodhya has been overlooked by political parties until now.

By: Team Pardaphash  Pardaphash Group
UP cabinet will meet in Ayodhya today to oversee the Ram Temple construction

Chief Priest of the Ayodhya Ram Temple, Acharya Satyendra Das, and Iqbal Ansari, a former litigant representing the Muslim side in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land dispute case, expressed their support for the Uttar Pradesh government’s decision to hold a Cabinet meeting in Ayodhya.

Acharya Das emphasized the significance of the Cabinet meeting, noting that Ayodhya had been neglected by political parties in the past. He highlighted the development that has commenced in the city since the BJP came to power at the central and state levels. He also mentioned that a grand temple of Lord Ram is currently under construction, with a consecration ceremony scheduled for January 22 next year.

Iqbal Ansari welcomed the Cabinet meeting in Ayodhya, considering it a positive move by the government. He stressed the importance of taking care of the diverse population in Ayodhya, which includes Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians.

The Uttar Pradesh Cabinet is set to meet in Ayodhya to oversee Diwali preparations and the progress of the Ram Temple construction. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will spend approximately four hours in Ayodhya, attending the Cabinet meeting and participating in various religious activities.

This historic event marks the first time in Uttar Pradesh’s history that a Chief Minister has held a Cabinet meeting outside the state capital. Previously, similar meetings occurred during the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj in 2019, and a Cabinet meeting was also held in Kashi. Continuing this tradition, the Yogi Cabinet is now convening in Ayodhya, the revered birthplace of Lord Shri Ram Lalla.

The meeting will be attended by over 24 senior ministers from the Uttar Pradesh government, as well as Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra, the Director General of Police, and the Director of Information.

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