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Here is your weekly horoscope for August 28-September 3 !


By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
Here is your weekly horoscope for August 28-September 3 !

August 28-September 3, 2023

Impatient Rams are keen to share information and exchange ideas with family, friends and work colleagues. But remember – Venus is reversing through your friendship zone (until next Monday, September 4) and Mercury is reversing through your job and daily routine zone (until September 15). And then – on Wednesday night – the Super Blue Moon lights up your self-sabotage zone. So make sure your amusing chatter doesn’t denigrate into gratuitous gossip.

With Venus (your power planet) and Mercury both in retrograde mode, your current inclination is to be timid and hypervigilant. But don’t overdo it Bulls! With Jupiter and Uranus rollicking through your sign, aim to be cautiously optimistic and moderately adventurous. Otherwise, you’ll miss fortuitous opportunities when they come along. As movie star (and birthday great) Ingrid Bergman reflected, “I regret the things I didn’t do, not what I did.”

The planets activate your Gemini curiosity and rev up your restlessness. But you could encounter roadblocks along the way, as retrograde Mercury stymies your progress. Hasty actions and half-baked plans will only lead to long-term frustrations. You’re full of fabulous ideas but make sure you can differentiate between fact and fantasy. If you balance dynamic action with a dose of discipline and a spoonful of reality, then you’ll have a productive week.

The Super Blue Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are activating your travel and education zones. So it’s time to make plans for a future trip or new course of study. However – with Mercury retro until September 15 – you need to be extremely patient and persistent. Then – when the right moment manifests – you’ll be ready, willing and able to take flight. Be inspired by birthday great, singer-songwriter Florence Welch “I like the idea of taking off like a bird.”

Venus has been reversing through your sign for the past six weeks. So you may feel as if you’ve been treading water … or even going backwards. Has your Lion mojo gone missing? Has your ambition disappeared? Has a work project backfired? Or have you experienced problems with a colleague or client? Thank goodness Venus finally moves forwards on September 4. But you still have one more week to go – so slow down, pace yourself and be patient.

Venus and your ruler Mercury are both retrograde so work, health, finances or family matters could be very frustrating this week. Heed the wise words of billionaire (and birthday great) Warren Buffett “I’ve had periods of my life when I’ve had a bundle of ideas come along, and I’ve had long dry spells.” Be patient, keep things in perspective and keep plugging away. Put your clever Virgo mind to good use via reading, revising, researching and rehearsing.

With Venus retrograde, and Mercury reversing through your self-sabotage zone, are you being your own worst enemy? Is the only person undermining your efforts actually you? Stop being an over-accommodating Libra who’s trying to please everyone. Instead, start focusing on your future health and happiness. Your motto is from birthday great, singer-songwriter Florence Welch “You should have high expectations for yourself, and others should come second.”

Venus is reversing through your career zone, Mercury is retrograding through your peer group zone, and the Super Blue Moon fires up your friendship zone. So a work colleague could frustrate you, an authority figure could antagonise you, or a friend could give you confusing information. Avoid the temptation to just sulk, stew and simmer. A double dose of Scorpio charm and diplomacy will get you through with your reputation (and sanity) intact!

Expect a domestic drama or a professional project to go haywire, as this week’s rare Super Blue Moon (and retrograde Mercury) leave you wondering what on earth is going on! Do your best to be especially diplomatic with a cranky colleague or a recalcitrant relative. Blunt honesty isn’t the best policy – communication will improve with some creative sugar-coating. A pinch of patience (not your usual modus operandi) will also help you muddle through.

Saturn (your ruling planet) and the rare Super Blue Moon stimulate your communication and education zone. But remember that Venus and Mercury are both in retrograde motion (until September 4 and 15). So make sure you communicate clearly; are extra patient and understanding with loved ones and work colleagues; and don’t assume you have all the answers. Clever Capricorns will take the time to revisit, revise, reconsider, re-evaluate and readjust.

The Super Blue Moon, Saturn, Neptune and retrograde Mercury are stirring up your finance zones. So impulse buys today could lead to cash flow problems tomorrow. Astute Aquarians will avoid making expensive purchases or major money moves this week, as you’re inclined to view your current financial situation through rose-coloured glasses. Mars moves into your travel zone so plan a weekend getaway (or a longer holiday) for after September 15.

This week the rare Super Full Moon’s in moody Pisces, and Mercury is reversing through your partnership zone. Plus Venus continues retrograding through your wellbeing zone. So – when it comes to your health (physical, mental and emotional) and close relationships – you’ll have to be extra patient with yourself and others. Be inspired by actress and comedian Lily Tomlin (who turns 84 on Friday) “The road to success is always under construction.”

COPYRIGHT Joanne Madeline Moore 2023

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