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Here is your weekly horoscope for June 3-9, 2024 !

Here is your weekly horoscope for June 3-9, 2024 !

By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
Here is your weekly horoscope for June 3-9, 2024 !


June 3-9, 2024

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Can you keep your bossy Aries side under control this week? If you can, then you’ll astound and amaze others with your can-do attitude, natural personal authority, networking skills, creative ideas and talent for leadership. You’re ready, willing and able to work hard and help others. Just make sure you are generous and inclusive. Encourage family members, close friends, work colleagues and community members to pull together and cooperate.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
From June 9 until July 20, dynamic Mars and daring Uranus will be transiting through your sign. You need to start planning, so you can make the most of this powerful pairing. It’s time for brave Bulls to venture beyond the safety of your home paddock. A confident attitude, an adventurous spirit, and an inquiring mind will take you far in the weeks ahead. Angelina Jolie (who turns 49 on Tuesday) observes “Life is a giant adventure, so much to do, to see.”

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
You’re full of fantastic ideas as the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all visit Gemini, and your sparky energy goes into overdrive. But if you are too gung-ho and disorganised, then taskmaster Saturn will bring you back down to earth with a thud. A work project needs to pass the Practicality Test, so try to balance being enthusiastic with being realistic. If you can mix being spontaneous with being sensible, then you’ll have a rewarding week.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Transformation is the name of the game as Jupiter and Pluto boost your personal magnetism – and your ability to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of a difficult situation. A close relationship has the potential to be reborn into a more positive partnership. But you must release old grudges, let go of the past, and move into a bright new future. No sulking or side-stepping Crabs! You’ll find the right words can transform the lives of those around you.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
Have you been feeling down? Jupiter boosts confidence, so it’s time to think big, especially when it comes to your dreams for the future. Pluto also helps you power ahead with personal changes that could transform your close relationships in wonderful ways. You must be persistent though! Your mantra for the week is from fellow Leo, actress and producer Lucille Ball “Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
A work matter, volunteer project or relationship issue is taking up a lot of your time and attention. If you are patient then it will pay off in the long run, but there are no quick fixes to finding the right job (or partner) for you. The Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter encourage you to maintain enthusiasm, curiosity and momentum. Mars moves through your adventure and education zone (from June 9 until July 20) which favours travel and study.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
Seven planets (including the New Moon and Venus) activate your relationship and aspirations zones. So it’s a good time to go on a first date, snuggle up close with your sweetheart or dream up some ambitious goals for the future. Passion and purpose will take you far. But Saturn could stir up trust and intimacy issues, and you may feel temporarily stuck in the past. Keep moving forward – inch by inch and step by step – towards a brand-new day.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
This week Jupiter (planet of prosperity and opportunity) makes a lovely link with your ruling planet Pluto. Which boosts Scorpio confidence, charisma and judgement. And Lady Luck is poised to knock on your door – especially involving home, family and/or real estate. The question is – are you brave enough and confident enough to let her in? It’s also a good week to study, do research, and participate in some powerful, transformational conversations.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The Sun, New Moon, Mercury and Venus (plus the Jupiter/Pluto trine) activate your relationship zone and boost your natural Sagittarian inclination to reach out and help others. If you put other people first – at home, work and play – then you’ll be rewarded with love, friendship, companionship, and a warm inner glow. Motto for the moment is from actress Angelina Jolie (who turns 49 on Tuesday) “I will do the best I can with this life, to be of use.”

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
The focus is on physical health as the planets stimulate your wellbeing zone. So it’s a good time to shake up your daily routine, improve your diet, and find fun ways to boost your fitness levels. Professional and financial progress is also a priority, as Jupiter and Pluto help you power ahead with a challenging work project. (Nothing ventured, nothing gained!) Some singles will be attracted to a colleague, client or customer. Who said that work and romance don’t mix?

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
As five planets move through your creativity zone, you’re in the mood for avant-garde adventures and bohemian friendships. But remember there’s a fine line between being spontaneously successful and being hastily foolhardy. Also, a financial or business matter could require much more planning than you originally thought. Relax, take your time, and concentrate on enjoying the long and winding journey, rather than just focusing on the final destination.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Is your domestic space a disorganised mess? This week the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter highlight your home zone, so it’s time to spruce up your living space via cleaning, tidying and de-cluttering. Then beautify your surroundings with the addition of pictures, ornaments, new furniture or a lick of fresh paint – plus fresh flowers and inspiring music are a must! Then invite family and friends around to enjoy the improved, uplifted atmosphere.

COPYRIGHT Joanne Madeline Moore 2024

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