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Here is your weekly horoscope for November 27 – December 3, 2023 !


By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
Here is your weekly horoscope for November 27 – December 3, 2023 !


November 27 – December 3, 2023

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Monday’s Full Moon is a good time for a brilliant light-bulb moment. You have the creative ideas and fiery passion to get an ambitious project off the ground, now all you need is the patience and persistence to finish it. The Sun, Mercury and Mars are visiting fellow fire sign Sagittarius, which revs up your Ram motor. But Saturn sends a cautionary reminder: if you are too hasty, then you could find yourself in hot water. So slow down and pace yourself!

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
The Full Moon urges you to shine a bright spotlight on financial matters and personal values. Do you need to let go of certain people, possessions or attitudes that have passed their used-by-date? With the Sun, Mercury and Mars also activating your money zones, be careful that your main form of entertainment isn’t shopping. Your bank balance (and budget) won’t appreciate a shop-til-you-drop kind of week. The weekend stars favour catching up with old friends.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
Neptune squares your ruler Mercury on Monday, so you could easily become confused or side-tracked by the busyness and minutiae of daily life. The more you concentrate on the needs of others, the better the week will be. With the Sun, Mercury and Mars stimulating your relationship zone, you’re in a romantic and flirtatious frame of mind. So it’s the perfect time to pamper your partner. Unhappily single? Look for love with an amorous Aries or a sexy Sagittarian.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
You’re keen to daydream the hours away in your cosy Crab cave, as the Full Moon illuminate your solitude zone. But – as you retreat into your private world – make sure you can differentiate between fact and fantasy, otherwise you’ll end up in a confusing mess. A current project needs to pass the Practicality Test, so try to balance being idealistic with being realistic. And don’t make serious commitments unless you’re certain you can keep them.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
This week a long-cherished dream may need to be re-imagined and reworked so that it better suits your current situation. Rather than seeing it as a disappointing setback, clever Cats will perceive it as an exciting new challenge. You’re keen to communicate about a wide range of topics, as you share creative ideas with family and friends. But, with Neptune squaring Mercury, avoid spilling secrets or saying something that’s inappropriately ambiguous.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Even though you’re run off your feet at work, home is where the heart is as the Sun, Mercury and Mars move through your domestic zone. So it’s a good time to tackle DIY projects and communicate with family members in creative ways. Avoid sending mixed messages though (especially on Monday and Tuesday). On the weekend, the Mercury/Saturn link is wonderful for mental focus, problem solving, strategic thinking and long-term planning.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
Librans love things to run efficiently and smoothly but (courtesy of the Full Moon, Neptune and Pluto) there’s unpredictable planetary energy about this week. So drop the perfectly planned schedule and just take things as they come. Some possible scenarios? A relationship with a lover, relative, colleague or neighbour could veer off in a confusing direction. Or something you say, text or post on social media could receive a disappointing response.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Scorpios can have trouble trusting other people at the best of times and this week, the Full Moon fires up your trust and intimacy zone. So a confidence could be broken, a loved one could let you down or an old resentment could resurface. Also, if you don’t feel comfortable asking someone for help then don’t. Your motto for the moment is from birthday great, writer Louisa May Alcott “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship,”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The Sun, Mercury and Mars are moving through your sign, which activates your spontaneous side. But avoid overcommitting and promising more than you can deliver. The weekend stars encourage you to tie up loose ends before you launch new ventures. The more energy and focus you put into current projects, the less confused you’ll feel. Make it a priority to communicate clearly, do your homework thoroughly and check all details before you proceed.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Monday’s Full Moon stimulates your wellbeing zone, so jump off the comfy couch and get moving! Nutritious meals are also on the celestial menu, as you take more interest in your health and more pride in your appearance. Are you worrying about something? If you have the confidence to listen to your wise inner voice, then it will point you in the right direction. Mercury moves into your sign on Friday, which boosts communication, creativity and concentration.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Take a good look at your close friends and current peer group. Do they encourage you to be the quirky, avant-garde Aquarian you were born to be? Are they supporting your talents and championing your dreams? It’s also a good week to tackle a creative solo project, as the Full Moon energises your self-expression zone. Your mantra for the moment is from entertainer Bette Midler (who turns 78 on Friday), “Cherish forever what makes you unique.”

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
This week you could feel confused or discouraged, especially when it comes to a family matter or a professional issue. But escaping into a fantasy world won’t make problems magically disappear. As the week progresses, do your best to banish procrastination and be a firm and focused Fish as you find creative solutions to current challenges. The distance between dreams and reality can be wide but, with patience and persistence, that gap will decrease.

COPYRIGHT Joanne Madeline Moore 2023

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