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India Urges UN: Zero Tolerance for Terrorism and Sponsors

During the UNSC Open Debate on Small Arms, Ruchira Kamboj emphasized India's experience with cross-border terrorism and violence perpetrated by terrorist groups utilizing illicit weapons.

By: Team Pardaphash  Pardaphash Group
India Urges UN: Zero Tolerance for Terrorism and Sponsors

India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ruchira Kamboj, urged the UN to adopt a zero-tolerance stance against terrorist groups and their sponsors. She emphasized that the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons serves as a crucial facilitator for sustaining conflicts involving armed and terrorist groups. Kamboj stressed the necessity for coordinated efforts by states to restrict the acquisition of small arms and light weapons by such actors. She called on the council to exercise zero tolerance for terror actors and their sponsors, particularly concerning the possession and misuse of small arms and light weapons.

India Highlights Cross-Border Terrorism Challenges at UNSC Open Debate on Small Arms

During the UNSC Open Debate on Small Arms, Ruchira Kamboj emphasized India’s experience with cross-border terrorism and violence perpetrated by terrorist groups using illicit weapons. She conveyed, “Having fought the scourge of terrorism for several decades, India is aware of the perils of the diversion and illicit transfer of small arms and ammunition to armed non-state actors and terrorists. We have suffered immensely due to cross-border terrorism and violence carried out by terrorist groups using these illicit weapons smuggled across our borders, including now through the use of drones.”

Ms. Kamboj emphasized that the increase in volume and quality of weaponry acquired by terrorist organizations underscores their dependence on the sponsorship or support of states. She stressed the necessity for international cooperation to identify points of diversion and trafficking routes. India supported the implementation of the UN Program of Action and the international tracing instrument to control illicit trafficking.

India Advocates International Cooperation to Curb Illicit Small Arms Transfers

Ms. Kamboj stated, “International cooperation is essential in strengthening existing mechanisms for information exchange to identify diversion points, trafficking routes, customs control, cross-border cooperation, etc., to prevent diversion and the illicit transfers of small arms and light weapons and their ammunition.”

Furthermore, she expressed India’s support for redoubling efforts at national and global levels to strengthen the implementation of the UN Program of Action and the international tracing instrument. This includes measures such as national legislative actions, enforcement, exporter controls, information sharing, and capacity building.

Ms. Kamboj highlighted India’s strict export controls over munitions, including small arms and light weapons, and shared India’s participation in the Wassenaar Arrangement. As the plenary chair for 2023, India is committed to further strengthening the global non-proliferation architecture, particularly in the area of small arms and light weapons.

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