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Yogi Adityanath in MP saw Rahul Gandhi’s Kedarnath visit as a sign of surrender

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed his disapproval of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's visit to the Kedarnath shrine, characterizing it as an acknowledgment of political setbacks. He also attributed the responsibility for the country's Partition to the Congress while underscoring the BJP's commitment to a pro-development agenda.

By: Team Pardaphash  Pardaphash Group
Yogi Adityanath in MP saw Rahul Gandhi’s Kedarnath visit as a sign of surrender

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, during his campaign in Madhya Pradesh, took a swipe at senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his visit to the Kedarnath shrine in Uttarakhand while election campaigns were in full swing in five assembly polls. Adityanath characterized this as the Congress’s acknowledgment of impending defeat. He also criticized the Congress for its historical role in the country’s Partition.

Adityanath remarked, “The Congress played with our beliefs. But, yesterday, I saw Rahulji on his journey to Kedarnath. What does this indicate? It simply means that Congress knows that in these semi-finals, the Congress has virtually conceded defeat.”

He also highlighted the transformation of Kedarnath under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, contrasting it with the Kedarnath tragedy during Congress rule. Adityanath explained, “Due to Modiji, a grander Kedarnath has emerged. But during the Congress rule, the Kedarnath tragedy happened. Prime Minister Narendra Modiji, who was the Gujarat chief minister at the time, had requested the then Congress government that he be allowed to help in Kedarnath but wasn’t allowed. After he became the PM, Modiji undertook the campaign to make for a grander Kedarnath.”

Adityanath went on to discuss the BJP’s commitment to development and its pro-development initiatives. He mentioned the creation of a new Noida in Jhansi, emphasizing the party’s focus on job creation and various schemes for the masses.

He contrasted the BJP’s approach with the Congress’s historical priorities, saying, “Did the Congress ever think of development, why didn’t they think of toilets for the poor, power supply, medical insurance, or free houses for the poor? The BJP government thought of all that.”

Addressing the historical context, Adityanath stated that the Congress was responsible for the Partition, saying, “It is due to Congress that Pakistan and Bangladesh were created. It was due to the power greed of Congress leaders that Partition took place.”

He also emphasized that a BJP government in both Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh fosters cooperation between the neighboring states due to the shared party leadership.

Adityanath concluded by asserting that a BJP government accords respect and benefits to the common man, and the party’s campaign involved many ministers to convey their commitment to the well-being of the common people.

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