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Millets reduce the risk of diabetes

millets are the one food group that can do this almost perfectly.

By: Team Pardaphash  Pardaphash Group
Millets reduce the risk of diabetes

New Delhi: The UN General Assembly accepted the proposal of the central government to celebrate coarse grains as a day. The year 2023 is being celebrated as Coarse Grain Day.
“When it comes to healthy, wholesome foods, one food group comes above most others. This food group is ticking almost all the boxes for the typical urban individual who spends most of the day sitting in front of a screen and typically has some degree of insulin resistance.
Diabetes (type 2) is a problem of high body lipids and compromised carbohydrate metabolism. This means the solution is to reduce body fat and reduce support carbohydrate metabolism. millets are the one food group that can do this almost perfectly.
Researchers examined data from 65 small studies that, combined, had about 1,000 participants. The millets used had a mean glycemic index (GI) of 52.7, significantly lower than white rice (GI 71.7) and refined wheat (GI 74.2), the analysis found. Glycemic index scores range from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating foods that produce bigger, and faster, spikes in blood sugar after a meal.
While millets are among the grains recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) as part of a healthy diet for blood sugar management, other grains can also be beneficial. The ADA recommends breads, cereals, and products that list whole grains as the first ingredient on the label.
Grains recommended by the ADA include:
Whole-wheat flour
Whole oats/oatmeal
Whole-grain corn/cornmeal
Brown rice
Whole-grain rye
Whole-grain barley
Wild rice
Buckwheat/buckwheat flour
Bulgur (cracked wheat)

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