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Neck Pain: There is pain in the neck all the time, these tips will give relief in a pinch

Practicing yoga is an excellent way to get rid of neck pain. One study also found that people who did yoga for 9 weeks experienced pain relief and improved functioning.

By: Team Pardaphash  Pardaphash Group
Neck Pain: There is pain in the neck all the time, these tips will give relief in a pinch

The pain in the neck bothers so much that one cannot concentrate on work. Not only this, many other problems also have to be faced. By the way, you can overcome this problem with the help of some home remedies. Let us tell you some tips and exercises

Apple vinegar

If you want to get rid of neck pain, then take the help of apple cider vinegar, which is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties of it work to reduce the tension in the muscles. You have to soak apple vinegar in the tissue and keep it where there is pain in the neck.

Essential oil massage

Tea tree oil or lavender oil contains many elements that can reduce muscle strain. You should also use it in neck pain. Take coconut or mustard oil and add a few drops of essential oil to it and massage it on the neck.

Hot shower will come in handy

To get relief from this problem, you should take a bath with hot water. For this, mix salt in the bath water and take a bath with it. By doing this you will feel relief in no time.

Nataraja Asana

Lie down on the floor keeping your back straight. Slowly lift your straight leg and bring it over the left leg. Keep the left leg straight. Keep in mind that the right leg should make a right angle on the ground. Keep both your hands spread on the right and left side of the body. Turn the face to the right. Take a few deep long breaths and exhale and stay in this posture for thirty seconds.

Bitliyasana or Cow pose

Keep your shins on the floor and the rest of the body in table top pose, that is, take the form of a table with the help of your thighs, torso and hands. Keep your knees and hips in the same line. Keep your waist, elbows and shoulders in a line adjacent to the ground. Your torso should be parallel to the ground. While in this posture, inhale and pull your stomach in towards the ground. Now raise your head upwards.

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