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PM Modi to lay foundation stone of 550 Amrit Bharat stations in boost to Indian Railways

Prime Minister Modi, on February 26, will unveil and lay the foundation stone of 550 Amrit Bharat stations in order to boost facilities at railway stations at a cost of Rs 40,000 crore.

By: Ruchi Upadhyay  Pardaphash Group
PM Modi to lay foundation stone of 550 Amrit Bharat stations in boost to Indian Railways

New Delhi: Imagine stepping into a railway station that mirrors the efficiency and aesthetics of an airport terminal. On February 26, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lays the foundation stone of 550 Amrit Bharat stations, that will embark on a journey towards this future. This landmark initiative, costing Rs 40,000 crore, is set to redefine the landscape of Indian Railways, integrate city centers with rooftop plazas and enhance passenger experiences across the country.

The Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone for approximately 1,500 road over bridges and under bridges across various states, is an important step towards comprehensive national development..

The ceremony, broadcast virtually across over 2,000 railway stations, not only highlights the government’s commitment to modernizing India’s transport infrastructure, but also its dedication towards ensuring the safety and convenience of its citizens. This dual focus on railways and roadways reflects a holistic approach to development, aimed at stimulating economic growth, enhancing connectivity and improving the quality of life of millions of people.

Amrit Bharat Station Scheme is more than just an infrastructure project; This is a view of modern India. With plans to upgrade facilities including better accessibility, amenities and integration with the city infrastructure, the plan promises a holistic transformation of railway stations.

Key features such as executive lounges, high-end platforms and free WiFi and sustainable solutions like landscaping are aimed at providing a seamless and enjoyable travel experience for passengers. The selection of 1,318 stations for development reflects a strategic approach, focused on their importance to major cities and towns across the country.

To foster a sense of ownership and participation among the young generation, Railways also celebrated the achievements of approximately 50,000 school students who participated in competitions based on the theme ‘Railways of 2047 – Developed India’. This initiative, part of a broader engagement in which nearly four lakh students participated, underlines the importance of inclusive growth and the role of youth in shaping the future of India.

His ideas and enthusiasm are important in driving forward the vision of a developed India by 2047, in line with the broader goals of the Amrit Bharat Station Plan.

So far, 1,318 stations have been selected under the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme based on proposals received from zonal railways and stations located in major cities and towns. The Amrit Bharat Station Scheme, along with road infrastructure projects, represents a significant leap towards realizing the dream of a developed India by 2047.

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